(照片來自:《我徒步!邀大家一起守護海洋》 | 攝於:2012.11.04北海岸石洞以北海岸)
今天介紹的 TED-Ed 動畫中,作者 Joe Iles 向我們提出的想法,就是希望越來越多的企業與工廠將物品製成可拆解的樣式,使得物品損壞時,消費者能夠更換損壞的零件即可。而在選用材料、包裝、運送的過程中,也將永續發展納入考量。另一方面,身為消費者的我們也可以試著改變我們對於「所有權」的思維!
先前為大家介紹的《十場呼籲大眾重視環保的演講》 中,我們介紹了Jason Clay:知名品牌如幫助拯救生物多樣性這場演講,同樣也呼籲著更多的企業改變舊思維、將生態納入產品的生產過程!如同影片末尾所說的:「我們有個絕佳的機會展開新的視野、而非被眼前的沮喪給困住。擁有創意和創新思維的我們,確實能重新思考並重新設計我們的未來!」
Living systems have been around for a few billion years and will be around for many more. In the living world, there’s no landfill; instead, materials flow. One specie’s waste is another’s food, energy is provided by the sun, things grow and die, and nutrients return to the soil safely. And it grows.
yet, as human, we’ve adopted a linear approach. we take, we make, and we dispose. a new phone comes out, so we ditched the old one. a washing machine packs up, so we buy another. each time we do these, we are eating into a finite supply of resources and often producing toxic waste. it simply can’t work long-term. So, what can?
If we accept that the living world’s cyclical model works, can we change our way of thinking, so that we, too, operate a circular economy? Let’s start with a biological cycle. How can our waste build capital rather than reduce it? By re-thinking and re-designing products and components and the packaging they come in. We can create safe and compostable materials that help grow more stuff. As they say in the movies: “no resources have been lost in the making of this material.”
So what about the washing machine, mobile phones, fridges? we know they don’t buy a degrade. Here, we’re talking about another sort of re-think; a way to cycle valuable metals, polymers, and alloys, so they maintain their quality and continue to be useful beyond the shelf life of individual products.
What if the good today become the resources tomorrow? It makes commercial sense. Instead of a throw-away-and-replace culture we have used to, we adopted a return and renew one, with products and components are designed to be disassembled and regenerated.
One solution maybe to rethink the way we view ownership. What if we never actually own our technologies, we simply license them from the manufacturers?
Now, let’s put these two cycles together. Imagine if we could design products which could come back to their makers, their technical materials being reused, and their biological parts increasing agricultural value; and imagine that these products are made and transported using renewable energy. Here we have a new model that built prosperity long-term.
Good news is, there are already companies out there who are adopting this way of working. A circular economy isn’t about one manufacturer changing one products. It’s about all the interconnecting companies that form our infrastructure and economy coming together. It’s about energy, it’s about re-thinking the operating system itself. We have a fantastic opportunity to open new perspectives and new horizons instead of remaining trapped in the frustrations of the present. With creativity and innovation, we really can re-think and re-design our future.
來源 > 撰稿及翻譯:劉耘 | 影片:Re-Thinking Progress: The Circular Economy